Hi, this is iChristiano
I build fast and reliable WEB APPs.

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About me

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I am an Austrian software engineer && full-stack software developer. On educational point of view, I hold a Master of Science in Business Informatics from the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna, Austria.

Due to my in-depth education, as well as experience, I have solid knowledge about software concepts from object orientated development, data management to agile development processes. In addition to my ability to communicate well, I am enthusiastic about developing full-stack applications especially in JavaScript.

Apart of the software world, I enjoy exercising several times a week to keep my mind clear and focused. And of course, besides English you can talk to me in German as well 😉

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Pong Game Multiplayer

The project is a basic showcase of a full-stack JavaScript multiplayer online ping-pong game. The backend is based on Node.js, Express and Socket.io-Server. The frontend is based on VanillaJS, Canvas and Socket.io-Client.

The aim of the application is to play ping pong against other online players. The game itself is basic optimized for mobile devices and based on canvas. As soon as two players are available and ready to play, a game starts in a dedicated room with these two players. The data between these players are synchroised via socket a connection. The game ends as soon as one player scores 5 times. The application is served via a http-server that uses an express based api endpoint. The http-server / api as well as the socket server are hosted via one domain and port, to enable a deployment from a single server.

Please be patient Heroku starts slowly 😅

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NASA Mission Control

The project is a showcase of a full-stack JavaScript application, enriched with multiple technologies, frameworks & concepts: Node.js, Express, API, API-Versioning, External API service, CORS, Logging, Jest, Supertest, React, NPM scripting, Docker, Dotenv MongoDB, MongoDB Atlas, Mongoose, Clustering, ...

The aim of the project is to schedule a mission launch for interstellar travel to one of the Kepler Exoplanets. Moreover an additional service requests missions planned by SpaceX and provide also these real world data, gathered via the SpaceX-Api to the mission control dashboard.

Please be patient Heroku starts slowly 😅

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Smart Mind Boost

The project is a basic showcase of a full-stack JavaScript application, enriched with multiple technologies, frameworks & concepts like: Docker, Node.js, Express, PostgresSql, Redis, JWT, Sessions, Authorization, Authentication, React, Serverless, Amazon Web Service, API, Artificial-intelligence, ...

The aim of the application is to detect faces in user provided images. A user can register via the web-app (CLIENT), login and provide urls to images via its created user profile. Provided images are handed over with API calls to the backend application (SERVER). On the server a third party Artificial-intelligence-API is called and its responses are processed as well as some data are stored via the backend application (DATABASE). The results are finally handed over to the client application and visually displayed inside the analyzed image. Finally serverless functionalty evaluates the user score.

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Smart Mind

The project is a basic showcase of a full-stack JavaScript application in combination with a SQL database. The aim of the application is to detect faces in user provided images. A user can register via the web-app (CLIENT), login and provide urls to images via its created user profile. Provided images are handed over with API calls to the backend application (SERVER). On the server a third party Artificial-intelligence-API is called and its responses are processed as well as some data are stored via the backend application (DATABASE). The results are finally handed over to the client application and visually displayed inside the analyzed image.

Please be patient Heroku starts slowly 😅

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React Robos

The project is a basic showcase of a simple React client app, the app itself is build up by own created components and containers, the data used are retrieved form external APIs, state handling within the app is based on Redux. The app also includes a simple error handling / error protection for the app, as well as an example of a component test.

This example project is available in various sub-versions on Github, it is aimed to showcase technologies and concepts like: CI (Continuous Integration & Co), TypeScript, React-Hooks, Redux, PWA (Progressive Web App), ...

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Pong Game

The project is a basic showcase of a VanillaJS implementation of a Ping-Pong game. The game itself is optimized for mobile devices and based on canvas. A single player can play against a simple AI algorithm. The game ends as soon as the player or the AI score 3 times.

Give it a try and beat the AI algorithm 🤖

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